Application Programmers, Application Designers.
Visual Basic 2005 Core
Exam # |
Duration |
Language |
Level |
Type |
Classroom |
Code |
Fees |
-- |
21 |
English |
Core |
Course |
Classroom |
Cs461 |
0 LE |
Description :
This course provides trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop simple Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 applications. It covers building both console applications and Windows Form Applications.
Objectives :
Work comfortably with Visual Basic 2005 Express IDE
Utilize the different types of conditional statements
Use available loop variations to perform repetitive tasks
Differentiate between subroutines and functions and demonstrate ability to correctly use them
Implement simple GUI programs using Windows Forms
Demonstrate ability to use most commonly used Windows Form Controls
Add customized Menus to the Windows Form Application
Recognize the different type of programming errors and use the available debugging capabilities to capture and correct them
Topics :
Visual Basic 2005 Foundations
Introduction to Visual Basic 2005
Visual Basic 2005 Installation & IDE
Working with Console Applications
Visual Basic 2005 Programming Basics
Variable Declaration & Assignment
Arrays Declaration
Interacting with Array Elements
If Statements and Select Case Statements
Do, While and For Loops
Subroutines and Functions
Passing Arguments to Subprograms
Visual Basic 2005 Windows Applications
Introduction to Windows Applications
Building Windows Forms
Saving & Running the Application
Publishing the Application
Windows Form Controls
Working Text & Label Controls
Working with Button & List Controls
Using Windows Dialog Components
Using the TreeView Control
Using the ListView Control
Working with Visual Basic 2005 Menus
Using the MenuStrip Control
Using the ContextMenuStrip Control
Assigning Menus to Forms
The Visual Basic 2005 My Object
Using the My.Application Object
Using the My.Forms Object
Using the My.Computer Object
Working with Characters and Strings
Using the Char structure
Using the String class
Using the StringBuilder Class
Introducing Application Errors
Compile-time errors
Runtime errors
Logic errors
Exceptions & Debugging
Recommended Knowledge :
A working knowledge of any Microsoft Windows operating system is required (Version XP or any later version). Besides, basic knowledge about the general programming and object-oriented programming concepts will be an asset.
Recommended Course(s) :
Programming Concepts
Windows XP Core
Training Materials :
EnterCaps Official Courseware
Labs :
This course includes several labs to ensure you will gain the targeted skills and experience.
Credential :
This course is a necessary starting point for anyone wants to step into the programming applications field.
Category :
The Instructor: