This course is intended for advanced visual basic 2008 developers.
Mastering Visual Basic 2008
Exam # |
Duration |
Language |
Level |
Type |
Classroom |
Code |
Fees |
-- |
48 |
English |
Mastering |
Course |
Classroom |
Cs295 |
0 LE |
Description :
This course shows a wide scale of using Visual Studio 2008 with Visual Basic 2008 to design and implement Windows application . this course will start with visual tools and then explore Visual Basic with the Framework classes for designing powerful application design with code behind for application implementations .
Objectives :
Describe Programming Fundamentals with Visual Basic 2008.
Working with GUI Design and using advanced Interface methods and using Drawing and Painting classes.
Explain working with VB.NET OOP for handling Objects, Custom Classes, Event-Driven Programming.
In depth knowledge about Strings, Characters, Dates and storing Data in Collections.
Explain with Forms, Basic Windows Controls and Custom Windows Controls.
Advanced programming for Accessing Folders and Files, Serialization and XML.
Using Printing with Visual Basic 2008
Topics :
Getting Started with Visual Basic 2008
Exploring the Integrated Development Environment
The Start Page
Starting a New Project
Using the Windows Form Designer
Creating Your First VB Application
Making the Application More User-Friendly
Understanding the IDE Components
The IDE Menu
Solution Explorer Window
Properties Window
Output Window
Command and Immediate Windows
Error List Window
Setting Environment Options
Building a Console Application
Using Code Snippets
Using the My Object
The Bottom Line
Variables and Data Types
Declaring Variables
Types of Variables
The Strict, Explicit, and Infer Options
Object Variables
Variables as Objects
Converting Variable Types
Formatting Numbers
User-Defined Data Types
Examining Variable Types
Why Declare Variables?
A Variable’s Scope
A Variable’s Lifetime
Declaring Arrays
Initializing Arrays
Array Limits
Multidimensional Arrays
Dynamic Arrays
The Bottom Line
Programming Fundamentals
Flow-Control Statements
Decision Statements
Loop Statements
Nested Control Structures
The Exit Statement2
Writing and Using Procedures
Argument-Passing Mechanisms
Built-in Functions
Custom Functions
Passing Arguments and Returning Values
More Types of Function Return Values
Overloading Functions
The Bottom Line
GUI Design and Event-Driven Programming
On Designing Windows Applications
Building a Loan Calculator
Understanding How the Loan Calculator Application Works
Designing the User Interface
Programming the Loan Application
Validating the Data
Building a Calculator
Designing the User Interface
Programming the MathCalculator
Using Simple Debugging Tools
Exception Handling
The Bottom Line
BasicWindows Controls
The TextBox Control
Basic Properties
Text-Manipulation Properties
Text-Selection Properties
Text-Selection Methods
Undoing Edits
VB 2008 at Work: The TextPad Project
Capturing Keystrokes
Auto-complete Properties
The ListBox, CheckedListBox, and ComboBox Controls
Basic Properties
Manipulating the Items Collection
Selecting Items
VB 2008 at Work: The ListBox Demo Project
Searching the ListBox
The ComboBox Control
The ScrollBar and TrackBar Controls
The ScrollBar Control
The TrackBar Control
The Bottom Line
Working with Forms
The Appearance of Forms
Properties of the Form Object
Placing Controls on Forms
Setting the TabOrder Property
VB 2008 at Work: The Contacts Project
Anchoring and Docking
Splitting Forms into Multiple Pane6s
The Form’s Events
Loading and Showing Forms
The Startup Form
Controlling One Form from within Another
Forms versus Dialog Boxes
Building Dynamic Forms at Runtime
The Form’s Controls Collection
Creating Event Handlers at Runtime
Designing Menus
The Menu Editor
The ToolStripMenuItem Properties
Manipulating Menus at Runtime
Iterating a Menu’s Items
The Bottom Line
More Windows Controls
The Common Dialog Controls
Using the Common Dialog Controls
The ColorDialog Control
The FontDialog Control
The OpenDialog and SaveDialog Controls
The FolderBrowserDialog Control
The RichTextBox Control
The RTF Language
Text Manipulation and Formatting Properties
Advanced Editing Features
Cutting and Pasting
Searching in a RichTextBox Control
Handling URLs in the Document
Displaying a Formatted Directory Listing
VB 2008 at Work: The RTFPad Project
The Bottom Line
The TreeView and ListView Controls
Understanding the ListView, TreeView, and ImageList Controls
Tree and List Structures
The ImageList Control
The TreeView Control
Adding Nodes at Design Time
Adding Nodes at Runtime
VB 2008 at Work: The TreeViewDemo Project
VB 2008 at Work: The Globe Project
Scanning the TreeView Control
The ListView Control
The Columns Collection
ListView Items and Subitems
The Items Collection
The SubItems Collection
VB 2008 at Work: The ListViewDemo Project
Sorting the ListView Control
Processing Selected Items
VB 2008 at Work: The CustomExplorer Project
Additional Topics
The Bottom Line
Building Custom Classes
Classes and Objects
What Is a Class?
Classes Combine Code with Data
Building the Minimal Class
Adding Code to the Minimal Class
Using Property Procedures
Customizing Default Members
Custom Enumerations
Object Constructors
Using the SimpleClass in Other Projects
Firing Events
Instance and Shared Methods
A ‘‘Real’’ Class
Parsing a Filename
Converting Numbers to Strings
Operator Overloading
VB 2008 at Work: The LengthUnits Class
The Bottom Line
Working with Objects
Issues in Object-Oriented Programming
Classes versus Objects
Objects versus Object Variables
Properties versus Fields
Shared versus Instance Members
Type Casting
Early versus Late Binding
Discovering a Variable’s Type
How to Apply Inheritance
Building the Shape Class
Who Can Inherit What?
Parent Class Keywords
Derived Class Keywords
Parent Class Member Keywords
Derived Class Member Keyword
VB 2008 At Work: The InheritanceKeywords Project
MyBase and MyClass
The Class Diagram Designer
The Bottom Line
Building CustomWindows Controls
On Designing Windows Controls
Enhancing Existing Controls
Building the FocusedTextBox Control
Building Compound Controls
VB 2008 at Work: The ColorEdit Control
Building User-Drawn Controls
VB 2008 at Work: The Label3D Control
Raising Custom Events
Using the Custom Control in Other Projects
Designing Irregularly Shaped Controls
Customizing List Controls
Designing Owner-Drawn ListBox Controls
The Bottom Line
Handling Strings, Characters, and Dates
Handling Strings and Characters
The Char Class
The String Class
The StringBuilder Class
VB 2008 at Work: The StringReversal Project
VB 2008 at Work: The CountWords Project
Handling Dates and Times
The DateTime Class
The TimeSpan Class
The Bottom Line
Storing Data in Collections
Advanced Array Topics
Sorting Arrays
Searching Arrays
Performing Other Array Operations
Array Limitations
The ArrayList Collection
Creating an ArrayList
Adding and Removing ArrayList Items
Sorting ArrayLists
Searching ArrayLists
Iterating an ArrayList
The HashTable Collection
VB 2008 at Work: The WordFrequencies Project
The SortedList Collection
VB 2008 at Work: The SortedList Project
Other Collections
The IEnumerator and IComparer Interfaces
Enumerating Collections
Custom Sorting
Generic Collections
The Bottom Line
Accessing Folders and Files
The IO Namespace and the FileSystem Component
Using the My.Computer.FileSystem Component
Manipulating Folders and Files with the IO Namespace
The Directory Class
The File Class
Drive, Folder, and File Properties
The Path Class
VB 2008 at Work: The CustomExplorer Project
Accessing Files
Using Streams
VB 2008 at Work: The RecordSave Project
The FileSystemWatcher Component
VB 2008 at Work: The FileSystemWatcher Project
The Bottom Line
Serialization and XML
Understanding Serialization Types
Using Binary and SOAP Serialization
Serializing Individual Objects
Deserializing Individual Objects
Serializing Collections
Deserializing Collections
Persisting a HashTable
Persisting a TreeView’s Nodes
Using XML Serialization
Serializing and Deserializing Individual Objects
Serializing Custom Objects
Serializing ArrayLists and HashTables
Working with XML Files
Understanding XML Structure
Editing XML Files
The Bottom Line
Querying Collections and XML with LINQ
What Is LINQ?
LINQ Components
LINQ to Objects
Querying Collections
Aggregating with LINQ
Traversing XML Documents
Adding Dynamic Content to an XML Document
Retrieving Data with the ExecuteQuery Method
The Bottom Line
Printing with Visual Basic 2008
The Printing Components
The PrintDocument Control
The PrintDialog Control
The PageSetupDialog Control
The PrintPreviewDialog Control
Printer and Page Properties
Retrieving the Printer Names
Page Geometry
VB 2008 at Work: The SimplePrintout Project
VB 2008 at Work: The PageSettings Project
Practical Printing Examples
Printing Tabular Data
Printing Plain Text
Printing Bitmaps
The Bottom Line
Recommended Knowledge :
A working knowledge of any Microsoft Windows operating system is required (Version XP or any later version). Besides, basic knowledge about the general programming and object-oriented programming concepts will be an asset.
Recommended Course(s) :
Programming Concepts
Windows 7 Core
Training Materials :
Labs :
This course includes several labs to ensure you will gain the targeted skills and experience.
Credential :
Upon completion the trainee will acquire EnterCaps Certificate of Achievement
Category :
The Instructor: